5 Cryptocurrencies to Watch in the Fall of 2022

The crypto market is guided by trends and seasons. The market dynamics and fundamentals of previous trends and seasons set the pace for the next ones. Trends So Far…  So far in 2022, it’s been a crypto winter! The crypto market has been on a downward spiral. First, the market took a beating when the … Читать далее

Why Now Is the Time to Invest? Trends that suggest Crypto Market Will Grow

Introduction Being present for over a decade, the crypto market has proven it is not a fad. Just like the internet, cryptocurrency keeps converting naysayers to believers. However, a vast proportion of the global population is still tethered to skepticism. This fraction still needs more proof to be convinced that they need to add cryptocurrencies … Читать далее

Introducing 7B Referral Program

Making traders profitable is one of the goals of 7B. It does this by providing a platform where people can easily and safely trade their cryptocurrencies. 7B users can, in addition to buying and selling crypto, manage their portfolios and monitor price changes to make winning trades. Now, 7B is stepping up this profitability goal … Читать далее