Ontology is a high performance, public blockchain specializing in decentralized identity and data. Ontology’s unique infrastructure supports robust cross-chain collaboration and Layer 2 scalability, offering businesses the flexibility to design a blockchain that suits their needs. With a suite of decentralized identity and data sharing protocols to enhance speed, security, and trust, Ontology’s features include ONT ID, a mobile digital ID application and DID used throughout the ecosystem, and DDXF, a decentralized data exchange and collaboration framework.
What is Ontology (ONT)?
The founders of Ontology identify 3 main scenarios for using the platform:
- building identification systems;
- working with any information, including those that require a high degree of protection;
- interacting with other blockchains to solve a wide range of tasks. Thanks to cross-chain transaction support, the system can easily interact with other protocols, saving developers and users from being tied to a specific product.
Ontology has two tokens, with ONT as a main network token, and ONG designed to pay for the operation of smart contracts, used as a kind of fuel in the Ontology network.
Why should I trade Ontology?
The Ontology project has every reason to believe that it will grow in popularity, thanks to its ease of use and an experienced development team. Having ONT in your crypto portfolio is a great long-term investment. As of June 15, 2021, the market capitalization of Ontology is $807,799,810, the price per coin is $0.9, according to CoinMarketCap. The minimum price of $0.3 per ONT coin was set in March 2020. The maximum price per coin reached $9.75. At the very beginning, the coin was sold for about $1, but after a few months it was able to reach a value of almost $10. Skillfully use the buy the dip strategy and get the best catch.
Where to exchange Ontology
To exchange ONT or any other cryptocurrency, one should research the market to find a swap spots that meets her/his needs. It is important to pay attention to the exchange’s commission fees, convenience and reliability. To get coins in a quick and convenient manner, you can also use the crypto broker app, which usually provides quick access to a range of cryptocurrencies. Below are some top exchanges:
- Binance – one of the most well-known cryptocurrency exchanges, with a high trust rating and low fees.
- Huobi – reliable crypto exchange with a high level of security.
- 7b – simple and user-friendly crypto broker app. It is the best place to trade ONT at the most competitive rates on the market.
How to exchange Ontology using the 7b crypto broker app?
7b allows you to buy and sell ONT and over 2000 crypto assets. We provide seamless crypto purchases and sales for each user. We are constantly developing ourselves to offer you the best service possible. The ONT purchase process is fast and simple and can be completed in several steps:
- Download the 7b app from Google Play.
- Sign up for an account and deposit it.
- Choose the cryptocurrency you want to buy or sell.
- Send the necessary amount of ONT or another crypto asset.
- Done! After the transaction is completed, your newly coins will be credited to your account.
Is Ontology a good investment?
Yes! ONT has shown that it can dramatically increase in price, so buying it at a low cost ($0.9 per coin) and storing it until the right moment is a smart idea. In addition, you can use ONT as a short-term investment and make a profit due to its volatility.
How do I invest in Ontology?
To invest in ONT in a simple and convenient manner, just download the 7b crypto broker app. Buy the cryptocurrency you need and store it on a secure wallet.
How to trade Ontology for beginners?
On 7b, you can easily trade ONT and more than 2000 cryptocurrencies around the clock. Carefully develop a trading strategy, do not lose your head at the first win, and follow the volatility of the cryptocurrency in reliable sources.
What is Ontology Blockchain?
Ontology is a high performance, public blockchain specializing in decentralized identity and data.