How to exchange Icon

Icon is a decentralized ecosystem based on blockchain technology. This platform allows you to develop your own peer-to-peer systems with internal currencies that can be exchanged without intermediaries or intermediate assets. The main goal of Icon is to unite all existing blockchains into one ecosystem, which will be able to interact with each other without struggles.

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What is Icon (ICX)?

How to exchange Icon

The Icon cryptographic platform was created based on the technologies used in Ethereum. For this reason, ether wallets are suitable for storing ICX tokens. The crypto network allows users to create and work with ready-made DApp software tools, as well as to work and create BSI signatures. The platform uses the BSI protocol to recreate the architecture of electronic signatures in smart contracts, in particular, the public key infrastructure (PKI). Also, this advanced crypto platform has full support for smart contracts and makes it possible to make modifications to them to adapt to other networks in order to process them later. Thanks to the unique software algorithm LFT (Loop Fault Tolerance), consensus is achieved.

The ICX cryptocurrency is based on the Loopchain model. It guarantees the execution of payments online based on an improved version of smart contracts. The creation of internal blockchain projects is carried out in the Python programming language. The Icon blockchain is based on the Delegated Proof-of-Contribution protocol. A significant role in the success of the Icon was played by the support of the South Korean government, which saw in it an amazing opportunity to improve the lives of its citizens.

The founder of Icon is a group of South Korean crypto enthusiasts led by Min Kim. The Icon blockchain began full operation in 2017. In addition, the platform has the ability to generate passive income through ICX stacking. At the same time, interest rates are among the highest in the crypto market. 

Why should I trade Icon? 

Expert forecasts regarding the direction of development of this cryptocurrency indicate that ICX has every chance to continue growing and rise to the top of the largest cryptographic projects. ICX is interesting to investors for its ideas and technical innovations. In fact, thanks to the democratic decision-making, as well as the cryptographic algorithm used, this currency has unlimited potential for development. At the moment of writing (14.06.2021), Icon’s market capitalization is $702,747,265. The price per one ICX coin is $1.11. The maximum value was reached in January 2018 and was $12. The minimum cost was about $0.10. Immediately after the launch of the project, the price for ICX increased several times to $12. Recently, the cryptocurrency is showing an upward trend again, so hurry up to add it to your crypto portfolio.

Where to exchange Icon

Buying and selling ICX is available on many cryptocurrency exchange platforms. You can use international convenient exchangers, as well as easy-to-use and reliable crypto brokers, where we will do all the boring and difficult work for you:

  • OKEx – one of the most reliable digital asset exchanges, and is very popular with traders from all over the world.
  • Kraken – popular crypto exchange with an intuitive design.
  • 7b – people’s crypto broker, ideal for beginners in the crypto world. Intuitive interface, low fees and more than 2000 cryptocurrencies for trading.

How to exchange Icon

When a suitable platform for exchanging is chosen, it is time to find out the flow of buying and selling Icon. Follow this step-by-step instruction to complete the exchange transaction:

Step 1. Log in to your crypto exchange account

Step 2. Search ICX/BTC exchange pair

Step 3. Enter the necessary amount of ICX

Step 4. Confirm the exchange operation

Step 5. Receive ICX

Where to trade cryptocurrency

How to trade Icon using the 7b crypto broker app? 

Do you want to buy or sell ICX? 7b, a crypto broker app, is a great choice to make. 7b is remarkable for its user-friendly interface that gives an opportunity to beginners in crypto to trade ICX, as well as many other cryptocurrencies, in an easy and smooth way. There are only a couple of steps to get ICX coins in your wallet: 

  1. Sign up for your 7b account and complete the verification process.
  2. Deposit cryptocurrency from a wide range of options presented.
  3. Use the search bar to easily find ICX.
  4. Choose the cryptocurrency you want to trade ICX with.
  5. Select the “Buy” or “Sell” option.
  6. Enter the amount of coins you want to trade.
  7. Confirm the transaction. 


Is Icon a good investment? 

Icon is one of those cryptocurrencies that is a great investment decision. In 2018, the coin skyrocketed in price from $0.4 to $12, then the price held steady around $0.3. ICON has been showing an uptrend lately, so it’s time to buy it at a bargain price.

How do I invest in Icon? 

To invest in ICX security, easily and securely you can download the crypto broker app 7b. Our platform features an intuitive interface, a huge selection of different cryptocurrencies, and low fees.

How to trade Icon for beginners? 

The 7b app is remarkable for its user-friendly interface. Just download the app, select a trading pair and start trading. The crypto market is extremely volatile, so pay close attention to changes in the exchange rate, and think through your trading strategy in advance.

What is Icon Blockchain?

ICON (ICX) is a decentralized platform that aims to improve the interaction of blockchains among themselves. This is a large peer-to-peer network. The platform should facilitate efficient transactions between different types of blockchain, even if they use different architectures.

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